Tuesday, June 3, 2014

                                 Part 3-4
“Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy.” By: David A. Bednar

Reflection: This statement by David Bendnar is trying to tell us that obedience is a key to making us happy in life and all we need to do is be obedient and then good will come our way. I also think that this statement is trying to tell us that if we are not obedient in life then we will be miserable and we would be choosing the wrong. An example of this could be if you find a wallet on the street and you see the picture of the person the correct thing you should do if your obedient is return it to its owner.
Part 2-4

So far on my goals I have completed about ¼ of the goals on my list and I do read my goals every day because I do want to know what path I am going to be taking in life when I grow up, I want to be able to see that list when I grow up and say I completed all of these goals. What I need to do better is I need to start putting more of my goals in, I need to have more goals because if I don’t then I will never have a clear path to take in life. So, so far I only have 323 goals and I at least ant to have 5,000 by the times that I graduate high school. I promise myself that I will always keep on adding on to my goals and I will keep on reading them every day. 
    Part 1-4
                 What did you like best about this class?
·       What I liked best about this class was that we really got in depth about the medical field and it gave me a clear path on what I could be in life. This calls also showed me how I don’t just have to be a surgeon to be in the medical field I can also be something in the medical career that does not imply me doing surgery.

     What did you dislike about this class?
·       Well in all honesty I really did not dislike anything in this class except for the excessive talking given by the teacher but it was also good that he talked to tell us about the medical careers.

     What can you recommend to improve the class?
·       What I would recommend to improve this class would be to not talk so much when you are giving a presentation. And also to give more reasons on why we should choose the right.

     What will you always remember about this class?
·       What I will remember about this class is all of the careers that I learned about in this calls.


Friday, May 30, 2014

               Student Success Statement
“When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block.” James E. Faust

Reflection: I think that this statement is trying to say that obedience is our goal but once we see something such as a wallet on the floor it is hard to want to be obedient in that moment you just become irritant. But it is up to us to be obedient and choose the right. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Medical Field (Desire)
What desires me to go to the medical field? The reason that I want to go into the medical field is because in the near future when I graduate high school there will be many job opportunities out there just for the medical field, and there is going to be so much to choose from. I also want to go into the medical field because personally for me I want to be able to have the chance to help others in a way that I couldn’t do when I was younger, it gives me a chance to step my foot in the world and say, I can really make a difference in the world. It may not be the biggest difference but I am sure glad to have helped a person from here to there.  I am really interest in the surgical part of the medical field because one they have a good pay, and two it just seems like what I have been wanting to do, I know it may seem weird to some people how I have always wanted to be a surgeon but It is my life goal and it really interests me. I would also like to be a plastic surgeon became then maybe I could see why women or men do, do plastic surgery? Like is it really for them or is it for someone else, I want to be able to comprehend why people do what they do and understand the world a little better because as years go by more and more people are starting to want to get plastic surgery. And it is starting to become a huge trend on teen girls. I believe that if this keeps on going on that the world is not going to be a safe place for children.   
Another field that I would love to work in is the psychology field I want to be able to get into people minds or not totally into their mind but help them understand what is really going on and just get them through the difficulty that they are going through. I also want to work with a research group that helps find cure for various diseases or disorders that have not been cured yet even to this day. I also want to get into this field because what if someday we do find a cure for cancer imagine how many lives we would save, and imagine how many lives we would take the crying, pain, and torture from. Some of the areas that I do not like are the abortionist areas because I do not understand why someone would want to kill a baby? Or maybe that is just in my perspective. So let’s see the pros about being an abortionist. I would be the happiest person in the world to never do another abortion again. So why do I do them? Because pregnant women with unwanted pregnancies are willing to risk just about anything, including almost killing themselves, in order to try to end unwanted pregnancies.
Things that are appealing to me in the medical field are:
1.     The pay
2.     The opportunities
3.     Being able to say you helped someone
4.     Saving a life
5.     Possibly finding a cure
6.     Being able to say you’re a doctor
7.     Medical school

I find these things to be appealing because they are the reasons why I want to go into the medical field. I know that there is going to be some stiff competition out their once I get into medical school but I will just have to try my hardest and see where the road takes me, wait scratch that I was told to choose my own path and not let others choose it for me or just go with the flow because then I will be like others and I don’t want to be like everyone else I want to be me. I was also taught if you choose the right then good things will come your way. I also want to become a dentist because I want to help people with their ugly teeth. Like if they have gingivitis and other mouth diseases that may be roaming around in their mouth. I also want to be on the other side of the thing like when I was small I always wanted to get revenge on them.

1.    Plastic Surgeon
11.Lung Surgeon
12.Valve Surgeon
13.Lung Surgeon
10.Heart Surgeon
15.Partisipatory Nurse

Text Box: CTR


            explorehealthcareers.org › Careers


Student Success Statement
“Obedience is the great test of life.”

Reflection: I think that this quote is trying to tell us that the most important rule in life is to be obedient. Because as we just saw if that kid were to be obedient he might have won the game for his team. I also think that this means that obedience is the greatest test you have in life it is probably the easiest and the hardest thing to do. 

Duties and Responsibilities: Neurologists are physicians trained in the treatment and diagnosis of brain and central nervous system disorders and diseases. Doctors trained in neurology complete medical school, a one-year internship in internal medicine and a three-year residency in neurology. Neurologists may also work in a subspecialty of the field, such as geriatric or pediatric neurology.

Annual Salary: $180,000-$500,000

Education: A neurologist is a physician who specializes in the human nervous system. Neurologists treat a variety of problems, including spinal cord injuries and diseases such as epilepsy. If you want to become a neurologist, be prepared to complete an extensive education. After high school, an aspiring neurologist must spend at least an additional 12 years to obtain the necessary education and training.

Friday, May 23, 2014

                         Western Medicine Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities: Western Medicine sees the mind and body as “split,” meaning two separate entities. Eastern traditions see the mind and body as coming from the same energy (source). This is more than a philosophical issue.  In the West, this disconnects between the mind and body has directed the clinical evolution of Western Medicine and also affect how patients are perceived and are treated.
Salary: $60,000

Education: Graduate of accredited US Medical School or equivalent international school. Experience Have a minimum of 5 years post residency medical practice experience in US. Job Specific Qualifications and Requirements Hold and maintain a current MD or DO  unrestricted U.S. (State) license Residency, or similar training, successfully completed in a US Hospital or equivalent international hospital in any one of three specialties: Family Practice, General Internal Medicine, or Emergency Medicine dependent on primary employment purpose.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

                        Student Success Statement  
                 “Obedience sums up our entire duty”

I think that this statement is trying to tell us that obedience is what lets us live our lives. Obedience is not something that we should do every other day, but something that we should be doing every day. An example of this may be if you are very obedient then good is going to come your way. But i f you are not obedient then bye . 
An example of this may be listening is what is going to help us get through the day.