Tuesday, June 3, 2014

                                 Part 3-4
“Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy.” By: David A. Bednar

Reflection: This statement by David Bendnar is trying to tell us that obedience is a key to making us happy in life and all we need to do is be obedient and then good will come our way. I also think that this statement is trying to tell us that if we are not obedient in life then we will be miserable and we would be choosing the wrong. An example of this could be if you find a wallet on the street and you see the picture of the person the correct thing you should do if your obedient is return it to its owner.
Part 2-4

So far on my goals I have completed about ¼ of the goals on my list and I do read my goals every day because I do want to know what path I am going to be taking in life when I grow up, I want to be able to see that list when I grow up and say I completed all of these goals. What I need to do better is I need to start putting more of my goals in, I need to have more goals because if I don’t then I will never have a clear path to take in life. So, so far I only have 323 goals and I at least ant to have 5,000 by the times that I graduate high school. I promise myself that I will always keep on adding on to my goals and I will keep on reading them every day. 
    Part 1-4
                 What did you like best about this class?
·       What I liked best about this class was that we really got in depth about the medical field and it gave me a clear path on what I could be in life. This calls also showed me how I don’t just have to be a surgeon to be in the medical field I can also be something in the medical career that does not imply me doing surgery.

     What did you dislike about this class?
·       Well in all honesty I really did not dislike anything in this class except for the excessive talking given by the teacher but it was also good that he talked to tell us about the medical careers.

     What can you recommend to improve the class?
·       What I would recommend to improve this class would be to not talk so much when you are giving a presentation. And also to give more reasons on why we should choose the right.

     What will you always remember about this class?
·       What I will remember about this class is all of the careers that I learned about in this calls.